![]() Drag-chain conveyer chute section
A conveyor channel section or pan is composed of upper and lower components each having U-shaped rolled side walls with inwardly-directed flanges and floor plates. Additional side plates fixed to the exteriors of the side walls of the lower component project upwardly alongside the side walls of the upper component. Recesses in the side plates mate with fittings on the side walls of the upper component and upstanding nuts and bolts secure the fittings in the recesses. The end regions of the pan can be provided with inclined deep pockets formed within welded-in shaped joining pieces which receive toggle-like coupling pieces used to connact adjacent pans together. 公开号:SU1342407A3 申请号:SU843789218 申请日:1984-09-13 公开日:1987-09-30 发明作者:Грюндкен Дитер;Шооп Гунтер-Дитмар;Реддер Манфред;Ролинг Франц;Шевински Хартмут;Темме Хельмут 申请人:Геверкшафт Эйзенхютте Вестфалия (Фирма); IPC主号:
The invention relates to pipeline construction, namely to sections of chain scraper conveyors, which are used in the mining industry. The purpose of the invention is to facilitate the assembly and disassembly of the section and increase its rigidity. Figure 1 shows a section of a groove of a chain scraper conveyor in assembled form, cross section; FIG. 2 is the same with the carrier box removed; Fig. 3 shows the connecting strip of the gutter section, front view; figure 4 is a view of And figure 3; Fig. 3 shows the assembled section of the gutter (an embodiment of the mounting of the carrying box to the guide box for the lower branch of the traction member), cross section; Fig. 6 shows the same, with the carrier box removed; Fig.7 is the connecting bar of the gutter section of Figs 5 and 6, front view; FIG. 8 is a section BB in FIG. 7; Fig. 9 shows a section B-B in Fig. 7 (embodiment); 10-11 shows a connecting strip, variants; Fig. 12 shows the end region of the gutter section, a transverse section; on fit.13 - view G in Fig.2; Fig. 14 shows the end region of the gutter section, an embodiment. The gutter section (Figures 1-4) consists of a guide box 1 for the lower branch of the traction and a carrier box 2 that is detachable and replaceable connected to the box 1. The box 1 for the lower branch of the body consists of two i-shaped rollers the lower profile parts 3, which are turned to one another by their profile recesses and between the upper shelves 4 of which the bottom metal sheet 5 of the bottom is welded. Carrying box 2 consists of two approximately i-shaped rolled upper section 6, between the lower shelves 7 of which the upper metal sheet 8 of the bottom is welded. Connecting (respectively, reinforcing) strips 9 are welded to the lower profile parts 3 of the box 1 for the lower branch of the traction body, the upper edges of which protrude above the metal sheet 5 of the bottom and are located at the same level with the upper shelves of the upper profile parts 6 . The connecting strips 9 also function as load-bearing elements, they extend along the entire length of the maintenance section. The connecting (supporting) strips 9 (see FIG. 3) have three rows of through holes 11, 10, .12, one above the other, which are distributed along the length of the gutter section. and in which can be installed in a known manner with their heads K1, bolts for attaching removable parts of conventional type. The connecting (supporting) strips also serve to detach the connection of the carrying box 2 with the canister 1 for the lower branch of the traction member. The upper b and lower 3 profile parts are side detachable Profiles section. Gutter chain scraper conveyor. The connecting parts 13 are welded to the upper profile parts 6 of the carrying box 2 from the outside, which are made in the form of U-shaped fittings (FIG. 3), each of which is made with the socket 4 open up and sideways, which lies at the height of the upper shelf corresponding profile part 6. Distributed along the length of the gutter section, fittings 13 have a vertical bolt hole 15. Connecting strips 9 are supplied The lugs 16, on which the connecting parts 13 of the carrying box 1 are supported. In the connecting bars 9 (Fig. 3), the recesses 17, which are open at the top, are made approximately rectangular in shape, each of which is at the bottom. An area 16 welded to it in the region, filled, for example, in the form of a web, etc. Fittings 13 in the recesses 17 are flush fitted. Stops 16 there are also bolt holes 18. The connection of boxes 1 and 2 is carried out by means of vertical fastening bolts 19, which pass through coaxially. bolt holes 18 and 15 and on which nuts 20 are screwed on top, the latter, in turn, are recessed in the sockets 14. Sockets 14 have a width so that a key can be inserted into them for tightening and unscrewing the nuts 20. The heads 21 of the fastening bolts 19 lie in the lower region of the notches 17, the fastening bolts 19 can be inserted from the side into 3 notches 17 and below are inserted into bolt holes 18 and 15. Several ring-shaped parts 22 are welded to the upper metal sheet of the bottom of the carrying box 2, which, according to the type of centering beads, fit into the corresponding centering holes 23 of the lower metal sheet 5 of the bottom and thereby fix the bearing box 2 in a horizontal plane with respect to to box 1 of the lower branch. The carrier box 2 is fixed on the box 1 by means of fixing bots 19, which firmly attract the connecting parts 13 to the ynopa i 16, forming a support for the parts 13. After unscrewing the nuts 20, the carrier box can be removed vertically up from the box I of the lower branch, as this is shown in FIG. The carrier box 2 on the lower sides of the metal sheet 8 of the bottom may have four annular parts -22 lying on the corners of the rectangular sheet 8 as centering shoulders, with the annular parts arranged in pairs in the area of both ends of the gutter section. A rectangular plate 24 can also be welded to the bottom side of the metal sheet 8 of the bottom, which fits into a corresponding hole made in the form of a window in the bottom metal sheet 5 of the bottom, and thereby produces a flush connection in the horizontal plane (in Fig. 4, the dashed line). the line indicates the contour of such a plate and the corresponding hole). The plate 24 and the hole in the shape of the window are advisable to use when in the metal sheet 5 of the bottom it is necessary to make an inspection and marine opening of sufficiently large size for inspection and repair in the box 1 of the lower branch. The notches 17 (FIG. 3), in which the stops 16 lie, lie between the through holes 10-1.2 on the connecting (carrying) bar 9 The upper edges of the connecting bars 9 can be at the level of the upper flange of the upper section 6 and can have either a smaller -or great height. Bolt holes 15 (Fig.4) connecting parts i 3 and / or bolto0 five 0 The openings 18 of the stops 16 can be made in the form of a keyway or in the form of a key hole. When making bolt holes 18 stops 16 in the form of turnkey holes, fastening bolts 19 with heads 21 can be inserted from above through bolt holes 15. Mounting bolts 19 can be firmly attached to stops 16 or to connecting parts 13, for example, by welding to form vertical threaded axles for connecting the carrying box -2 to the box 1 of the lower branch. Figures 5 and 7 depict a gutter section with an attachment unit of the carrier robe 2 to the duct, Emiolpe1-Pg; 1m in another version. 16 constipation locks rely on the joints: me parts 13, prgvareny with the outer side to the professional parts of 6 nesul his lorsba 2, also hardened in the top of the recess 17 of the connecting plSpok 9 or performed in one piece with the plates 9 and they are the base of the pin 17. The stops 16 H: - i.e. i 18 five about five 0 five vertical KpenesHt-ix, yltoz, passing down into gpel,:; Place the two crush-bolts in the heads in them 19. Open the holes 18 and 12 and 25 and under the heads of the bolts open the taller to the inside of the connecting rod 9, t, e, and the key; - ;;; box 2, so that the 5th Zolty 19 with the heads of the 21 ю rounds Bct with r-1-: the first side of the slot B sockets 25. At this insertion; nests from falling out Bbiei-niH 1 7 open upwards of the connecting planks 9 are polkeny on the contour approximately straight lines; and connecting parts 1 3 .u- iCj-oT the corresponding contour (SU1, F: 1G, 3 and 7) - Thus, fixation with a geometric closure is achieved; the connecting parts 13 B zyigch kah 17, as a result of which the carrying box 2 is drintted relative to the box 1 of the lower branch and fixed against a shift in the direction of movement of the transported material, Su: 1, this makes it possible to refuse the centering means 22-24, On the vertical bolts of the side surfaces of the connecting parts 13 and the grooves 17 513 rear cuts for fixing with a geometric closure, as a result of which working forces directed across to the direction of movement of the transported material, arising, for example, from a device for moving the conveyor, from controlling a plow unit, etc., can be perceived without loading the fastening bolts 19 with a shear stress. Figure 9 shows a connection with a positive fit. Here both vertical side surfaces 26 of the connecting parts 13 are chamfered in cross section, and the corresponding support surfaces 27 and the notches 17 are also made bevelled to obtain a guide in the form of a keyway formed like a dovetail, which contributes in a horizontal direction. fixation of parts with geometric closure. The connecting strips 9 are attached by welding to the core parts 3 of the lower branch box. Instead of connecting strips made as bearing strips, another type of connecting strips can also be attached to the profile strips of the bottom branch box, which can also form the functional parts of the mining guide or the guide itself. As shown in FIG. 10, at least one of the two profiled parts 3 of the box 1 of the lower branch is welded from the outside by a connecting strip 28, which has a b-shaped cross-section and serves as Iia for the cutting machine. In addition, in this position 25 thirty 35 40 The lower shelves of the lower profile parts 3 of the gutter section can also be connected with a sheet metal cap covering the lower branch. Figures 12 and 13 show the connection of the gutter sections. On Fig only one of the two is shown: Two side profiles of the gutter section in the end region. The lower profile parts 3 and the connecting (reinforcing) cores welded to them 9 have, at the ends of the gutter section, the recesses 30, into which the supporting element 31 (32) is welded with a closure. The supporting elements 31 and 32 are provided with a one-piece shelf 33, which is directed towards the center, and which is welded to the bottom sec. By welding. gutters, in particular, with the bottom metal sheet 5 bottom. In the gutter area of the gutter section, the support elements 31 and 32 replace parts of the the gutter sections, the profile parts 3 and 6 of the file parts 3 and 6. The top profile parts 6 have at their ends corresponding recesses 34, through which the support elements 31 and 32 pass. by welding firmly and permanently interconnected. The bottom of the section may consist of a thick-walled metal sheet 29, the thickness of which is approximately equal to the sum of shelves 4 and 7 arranged one above the other. Profile sections 3 and 6. A double bottom can also be provided, with the bottom metal sheet 5 of the bottom welded between the upper the shelves have 4 lower profile parts 3, and the upper metal sheet 8 of the bottom is between the lower shelves 7 of the upper profile parts 6 or detachably fastened as a metal sheet, working for wear. Figure 11 shows a similar arrangement, with the carrying box 2 detachable and replacing it is connected to the box 1 of the lower branch. It is advisable to fasten both ducts in the manner described above for the variants shown in Figures 1-9, and the guide of the cutting machine is provided with stops 16-notches 17 serving to secure the bolts 19. The tie bars 9 can also function as a guide or an integral part of the plow guide. In this case, when the carrying box 2 is replaced, the bolting can also be carried out on the connecting strips serving as a guide for the plow unit. The lower shelves of the lower profile parts 3 of the gutter section can also be connected with a sheet metal cap covering the lower branch. On Fig and 13 shows the connection sections of the gutters. On Fig only one of the two is shown: Two side profiles of the gutter section in the end region. The lower profile parts 3 and the connecting (reinforcing) rods 9 welded thereto at the ends of the gutter section have a recess 30 into which the supporting element 31 (32) is welded with a geometric closure. The supporting members 31 and 32 are provided with a one-piece flange 33, which is directed towards the center of the section, and which is welded to the bottom of the chute section, in particular with the bottom metal sheet 5 of the bottom. In the gutter section of the gutter section, the supporting elements 31 and 32 replace the parts of the profile parts 6 at their ends with corresponding recesses 34, through which the supporting elements 31 and 32 pass. 50 bottom sheet 8 is connected to the core parts 6 to form a carrying box. As shown in FIGS. 1-9, the non-drying box is detachable and the replacement of the emo is connected to the box of the lower branch. WITH 55 OTHER, both boxes can be permanently welded by welding. In this case, the bottom of the conveyor may be formed by two metal sheets lying one on another. mi 5 and 8 or one metal sheet is more thick, as shown in figure 10. The supporting elements 31 and 32 have sockets 35 that are open toward the carrying box, in which the connecting pin 36 is placed, which serves to connect the sections of the groove (Figure 13 shows the connection with the connecting finger of two sections of the groove). The junction of the gutter sections is indicated by the position 37. The sockets 35 in the supporting elements 31 and 32 form a socket for the connecting pin, which consists of a flat jumper 38 with integral reinforced heads 39 located at both its ends. The jumper 38 bone is inserted into the slotted parts of the sockets 35, and the heads 39 are located in the respective extensions 40 of the sockets 35. By connecting, by means of the connecting finger 36, the sections of the gelib are firmly connected in terms of the tensile stress, however, in all directions there may be slightly Costs in relation to each other. I Input 41 sockets 35, in which The connecting pin 36 is inserted. This profile part 6 of the carrier is located on the side and on top of the bottom of the section, respectively, of metal sheets 5 and 8 of the bottom, under the top shelf of the profile parts 6. At the same time, the transverse axis of the socket 35 (Fig. 12) is inclined at an acute angle equal to, for example, 45, to the plane of the bottom, and the nest is open to the carrying box 2. A finger 36 inserted into the nest 35 of the upper branch completely fills the nest. The slope of the socket 35 allows the use of a finger 36, which has a considerable size. The base 42 of the socket lies in the plane of the interposer 9. When connecting the gutter sections with a connecting finger, it is customary to supply the gutter sections at their ends with connecting parts. 35 40 45 robe 2 in the corner between the metal sheets 5 and 8 of the bottom and the walls of the upper profile parts 6. As a result, the inlets 41 of the sockets 35 are closed by the upper profiles 1-1 of part 6. Therefore, the finger 36 can be inserted into the socket 35 or removed from the socket only when removed the volume of the carrying box 2. The inserted finger is secured from falling out of the slot by means of the carrying box 2 located on top. The detachable connection of the carrying box 2 with the canister 1 of the lower branch can be made by the method described in figure 1-9.
Claims (10) [1] Claims 1. Chain chute section is scraped into each other. Therefore, the supporting Q conveyor, containing the bottom, the outgoing elements at one end of the gutter section can be provided with protruding pins, and the supporting elements at the other end of the gutter section are made with corresponding slots for the protruding pins. The supporting elements are advantageously designed in such a way that the supporting elements 31 with two protruding pivots enter the grooves under 55 filled from upper and lower metal sheets, and split side profiles, including lower profile parts, the upper shelves of which are connected to the lower metal sheet of the bottom with the possibility of forming a guide box for the lower branch of the traction body, and the upper profile parts, lower shelves 0 pins on other supporting elements 32 (not shown). The supporting members 31 and 32 (FIGS. 12 and 13) are passed through the recesses at the ends of the core parts 3 and 6 and are firmly connected by welding at least to the bottom profile part 3. FIG. 14 shows an exemplary embodiment, according to which the supporting elements 31 and 32 are welded only in the grooves of the profile parts 3 and the interposer 9, and at the ends of the gutter section replace the upper shelves of the lower .5 profile parts 3, as well as their profile guides. Both upper profile parts b are connected by an upper metal sheet B in the bottom with the possibility of forming a replaceable carrying box 2 (see fig. 1-4). Nile -: - a lower metal sheet of the 5 bottom is welded between the upper shelves of the lower profile parts 3, as well as on the KOii-ts chute sections between strip I i 33 5 support elements 31 and 32, as a result of which a duct 1 of the lower branch is formed. The sockets 35 under the finger 36 (not shown in Fig. 14) are with their inputs 41 under the corresponding 0 with a common profile part 6 carrying robe 2 in the corner between the metal sheets 5 and 8 of the bottom and the walls of the upper profile parts 6. As a result, the inputs 41 of the sockets 35 are closed by the upper profiles 1-1 of part 6. Therefore, the finger 36 can be inserted into the socket 35 or removed from the socket only when removed bearing box 2. The inserted finger is fixed from falling out of the slot by means of the carrying box located above [2] 2. The detachable connection of the carrying box 2 with the box 1 of the lower branch can be made by the method described above, in accordance with FIGS. 1-9. formula of the invention 1. Chain Scraper trough section5 filled from upper and lower metal sheets, and split side profiles, including lower profile parts, the upper shelves of which are connected to the lower metal sheet of the bottom with the possibility of forming a guide box for the lower branch of the traction body, and the upper profile parts, lower shelves which are connected to the upper metal sheet of the bottom with the possibility of forming a carrier box, detachable associated with connecting plates rigidly fixed on the outer sides of the lower profile parts, made at least with two rows of through-holes arranged one above the other for fixing bolts of removable parts and with upper edges, which are located above the upper shelves of the lower profile parts, characterized in that, in order to facilitate the assembly and disassembly of the section and increase its rigidity, The extension strips are made with open-up notches, and the upper profile parts of the carrying box are provided with connecting parts disposed on the outer sides of the upper profile parts with the possibility of placement and fastening by means of connecting elements in open-top notches. 2. Section according to Claim 1, characterized in that the connecting strips are made with stops placed in open recesses with the possibility of contact with the connector. by the details. 3. Sec. 1 and 25 in contrast to the fact that the connecting elements are made in the form of vertical fastening bolts and nuts, and the connecting parts and stops are made with holes in which the vertical mounting bolts are placed. [3] 4. Section according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the connecting parts are made with sockets open upwards, in which nuts or heads of vertical fixing bolts are located. [4] 5. Section according to claims 1-4, characterized in that the connecting parts are made in the form of U-shaped parts. [5] 6. Section according to claims 1-3, characterized in that the stops are made in the form of jumpers, and connected to the connecting strips by welding. [6] 7. Section according to claims 1 to 3, about tl and - so that the stops are made in one piece with the connecting bars. [7] - b 4240710 8. Section according to claims 1–3, 6 and 7, which means that the stops are made with sockets in which the heads of the vertical fixing bolts are located. [8] 9. Section according to claims 1-3, 6-8, characterized in that the openings and the seats of the stops are open towards the inner side of the connecting bars. [9] 10. Section POPP.1 and 2, characterized in that the inner surface of each upwardly open recess of the interposer is made according to the shape of the connecting part, [10] Section I. according to claims 1-5, 10, characterized in that each connection piece is made in ten 15 the form of a dovetail guide, and the corresponding recess of the interposer is opened upward in the form of a key groove. 12. Section according to claims 1, 2, 10 and 11, characterized in that The upwardly open recesses of the interposer are located between their through holes. 13. Section according to item 1, characterized by the fact that the upper edges connecting strips are located flush with the upper shelves of the upper profile parts, 14. Section on PP. 1, 2, 6, 7, 10-1 3., about tl and h and y and with the fact that she provided with connecting fingers and supporting elements with sockets open to the side of the carrying box for accommodating connecting fingers therein, the connecting plates are made with recesses for accommodating the supporting elements and are connected with the latter by welding. -15. Section according to Claims 1 and 14, that is, that the entrance to the socket of each support element is located on the side and on top of the bottom metal sheet of the bottom and is closed upper profile part of the carrying box. 16. Section according to paragraphs. J and 14, characterized in that the upper and lower profile parts of each side profile are made with through holes in which the supporting elements are placed, and the sockets of the supporting elements open into the carrying box. P 17. Section according to claims 1, 14 and 16, it is typical that the transverse axis of each seat of the support element is located at an acute angle to the bottom plane, and the entrance to the socket of each support element is located under the upper flange of the upper profile part. 18. Section according to claims 1, 14-17, o t - that the supporting elements at one end of the section are provided with protruding pins, and the supporting elements at the other end of the seconds are made with corresponding slots dp accommodating them with a gap of protruding pins, In addition, each support element is made with a solid shelf directed toward the center of the section, which is connected by welding to the lower metal 12 sheet d1-1isch, with the entrance to the socket of each support element located on the surface of the support element located obliquely to the bottom plane, on the side and above the bottom, while the base of the socket of each support element is located in the area of the connecting strip. 19. The section according to claims 1, 2, 6, 7, 10-14, characterized in that each connecting strip is made of L-shaped form. 2O. Section 1, characterized in that the guide box for the lower branch of the traction member is provided with a lid, which is made in the form of a metal sheet and connected to the BOTTOM shelves of the lower profile parts by welding. 13 W 17 18 -21 12 /. . . : 72. 2J 1 FIG. 2 Thebes, 3 24 15/16 A at Type A . , ,, 15 / ia 19 rd J. S . H s V7 /////// W 77 // FIG. five L / five one bb in d FIG. eight "7 / / U / / / 3 25 fig.Z FIG. ten FIG. // 38 36 FIG. 12 S At ///// 7 // And I five H. Editor L. Vesepovska Compiled by T. Bobylev Tehred I. Popovich Order 4446/58 Circulation 776 Subscription VNYIPI USSR State Committee for inventions and discoveries 113035, Moscow, Zh-35, Raushsk nab., 4/5 Production and printing company, Uzhgorod, st. Project, 4 Fig, 1 Proofreader N.Korol
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